(Statistics are refreshed every hour)

The website
Launch date 25/05/2013
Running days 4 287
Hits since the opening 33 563 394 591
Hits of the week 11 933 900
Hits of the day 1 184 010
Points won this week 323 764 234
Points won today 28 879 152
Registered members 268 237
Best surfer of all time BuyOtohits.Com<=50%O... (2 091 750 158 Visits)
Best referer topbestautosurf (4089)
User with the biggest number of registered websites roauf (360)
Average number of website per user 2
Validated websites 73 169
Safe 27 898
PTP 19 024
Adult 10 668
With sounds 15 579


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Best surfers this month
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