(Statistics are refreshed every hour)

The website
Launch date 25/05/2013
Running days 4 258
Hits since the opening 33 421 481 795
Hits of the week 9 842 610
Hits of the day 4 622 450
Points won this week 242 464 419
Points won today 106 813 792
Registered members 267 347
Best surfer of all time BuyOtohits.Com<=BuyF... (2 065 495 896 Visits)
Best referer topbestautosurf (4089)
User with the biggest number of registered websites roauf (360)
Average number of website per user 2
Validated websites 72 094
Safe 27 325
PTP 18 569
Adult 10 720
With sounds 15 480


Best surfers today
BuyOtohits.Com<=BuyFromHereToGrowOtohitsVisits 30 106 470 (1 405 770 Visits)
wquangvtvp 9 899 283 (468 470 Visits)
carmix 8 889 193 (194 860 Visits)
newstar 5 380 336 (193 400 Visits)
tfboot88 2 784 866 (89 530 Visits)
Best surfers this week
BuyOtohits.Com<=BuyFromHereToGrowOtohitsVisits 66 665 871 (2 955 680 Visits)
carmix 26 960 202 (535 090 Visits)
wquangvtvp 21 802 781 (972 230 Visits)
newstar 12 589 767 (421 070 Visits)
tfboot88 6 442 698 (193 740 Visits)
Best surfers this month
BuyOtohits.Com<=BuyFromHereToGrowOtohitsVisits 830 608 818 (33 390 460 Visits)
wquangvtvp 249 400 632 (10 376 370 Visits)
carmix 209 627 815 (3 614 720 Visits)
newstar 86 396 981 (3 038 440 Visits)
nippa 61 076 663 (2 220 230 Visits)