(Statistics are refreshed every hour)

The website
Launch date 25/05/2013
Running days 3 986
Hits since the opening 31 760 322 385
Hits of the week 24 643 350
Hits of the day 4 501 270
Points won this week 623 030 391
Points won today 119 184 210
Registered members 273 240
Best surfer of all time BuyOtohits.Com (1 477 722 094 Visits)
Best referer topbestautosurf (4090)
User with the biggest number of registered websites nameda.com (629)
Average number of website per user 2
Validated websites 120 035
Safe 40 332
PTP 34 835
Adult 18 787
With sounds 26 081


Best surfers today
ops 51 722 267 (1 885 790 Visits)
BuyOtohits.Com 33 288 696 (1 322 970 Visits)
tfboot88 1 211 369 (48 510 Visits)
kolobog 1 011 087 (31 590 Visits)
bonben 928 928 (32 180 Visits)
Best surfers this week
ops 260 240 669 (10 020 350 Visits)
BuyOtohits.Com 180 849 777 (7 251 810 Visits)
wquangvtvp 8 656 414 (361 430 Visits)
tfboot88 6 497 840 (256 240 Visits)
kolobog 5 218 667 (175 220 Visits)
Best surfers this month
ops 1 693 300 621 (69 163 300 Visits)
BuyOtohits.Com 1 507 579 785 (65 264 350 Visits)
wquangvtvp 279 265 931 (12 197 080 Visits)
tfboot88 49 915 017 (2 151 040 Visits)
kolobog 45 121 499 (1 549 400 Visits)